Ever wish for a friendly witch to guide you deeper into the magic of words?

About Spellworks

Spellworks is not just a place to learn poetry; it's a vibrant community where creativity flourishes, and the magic of words is accessible to all. When Oliver Baez Bendorf founded Spellworks out of his home in 2021, his goal was to help make the magic of poetry available to anyone who wants to learn. He set out to create and support a way of working with poems that's as welcoming and fun for as many people as possible. We are proud to be a trans- and queer-owned business.

Our Team

Oliver Baez Bendorf

Founder/Director, with 10+ years experience as an award-winning poet and educator. Learn more about Oliver


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Custom logo by dear friends Fuzzy Muzzle Design

As Gwendolyn Brooks wisely said, "Remember that poetry is life distilled..."—a philosophy that guides every aspect of Spellworks.

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