Discover With Spellworks

Join us at Spellworks for immersive experiences that span the enchanting realms of queer, eco-, and occult poetics. With a variety of workshops, resources, and a community of fellow word witches, you're invited to explore the poetry that pulses within you and the world around you. 

Our Workshops and Poetry Experiences

Spellworks offers a curated selection of workshops designed to inspire, challenge, and nurture your poetic voice. From the rhythms of nature to the depths of identity, our workshops guide you through the realms of collaboration with language. Stay tuned for upcoming workshops and join our waitlist to be among the first.

Keeping a Notebook

🎉 This enchanting journey will run later in Spring 2024 🎉

Anticipate the launch of transformative experiences like 'Keeping a Notebook'- an initiation into the art of noticing, with this constant companion on your creative journey.

Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to venture in.

Learn More

Continue your exploration with Spellworks' free guides.


The Muse's Lexicon

Delight in our enchanting assortment of words, carefully selected to sprinkle a touch of magic into your poetry. Print-friendly and absolutely FREE to infuse fresh life into your verses.

Yes, gimme new words

Whimsical Bodies: A Surrealist Prompt Collection

Immerse yourself in the surreal with hand-drawn prompts from Oliver's Exquisite Corpus workshop. This series is your ticket to exploring the magic within. FREE to download and ignite your artistic spirit.

I'm interested in this

Poetic Alchemy: The Art of Titling

Unveil the secrets of writing captivating poem titles with our ready-to-use worksheet. This is your guide to naming your creations, sprinkled with examples to spark your imagination. This resource is yours for FREE.

Yes, I need help with titles


Discover the latest musings, tips, and inspirations on the Spellworks blog. Our posts are a wellspring of ideas to enrich your writing and deepen your connection to the craft.

Enchanting Gratitude: Spells and Odes in Magical Craft

Crafting Badass Writing Spaces: Your Personal Altar to Creativity

Bardic Magic: Poetry's Role in Ancient Witchcraft

Witchy Wordsmiths: Celebrating Diverse Poets in the Craft

Unlocking Creativity: The Magic of List Poems

Rediscovering the Stream of Consciousness

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