Brown person writes against a mystical background

Witchy Wordsmiths: Celebrating Diverse Poets in the Craft

Witchcraft and poetry share a mystical kinship, with both seeking to explore the depths of the human experience, the unseen, and the magical. In this blog post, we celebrate the enchanting work of poets who have skillfully woven the threads of witchcraft into their verses. Whether you're an avid reader or an aspiring poet-witch, this curated reading list offers insight into the magical realms explored by these diverse wordsmiths.

1. The Essential Rumi by Rumi
Explore the ecstatic poetry of Rumi, a 13th-century Persian mystic whose verses transcend time and space. Rumi's profound insights into love, spirituality, and the divine make his work a timeless companion for any seeker on a magical journey.

2. Ariel by Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath's haunting collection, "Ariel," delves into the complexities of identity, transformation, and the occult. Her words resonate with the power of feminine magic, making this collection a poignant exploration of the witch's psyche.

3. The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
While not exclusively focused on witchcraft, Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet offers timeless wisdom on life, love, and spirituality. Dive into Gibran's profound and prophetic poetry to discover universal truths that resonate with magical practitioners.

4. The Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente
Doreen Valiente, a key figure in the modern witchcraft revival, crafted "The Charge of the Goddess," a poetic invocation central to Wiccan rituals. Delve into her words to connect with the divine and the inherent magic within nature.

5. The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
Step into the magical realm of Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene, an epic poem filled with allegory, symbolism, and enchanting adventures. Discover the archetypal characters that have inspired magical traditions for centuries.

6. The Black Unicorn by Audre Lorde
In Audre Lorde's acclaimed poetry collection, fierce tenderness meets incantatory power. This collection fearlessly explores motherhood, strength, ancient magic, and intersectional identity, making it an indispensable guide to complexity, moral courage, and the transformative passion of language. 

7. Blood Dazzler by Patricia Smith
Patricia Smith's "Blood Dazzler" confronts the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina through powerful and magical language. This collection serves as a poignant reminder of the connection between the so-called natural, and the supernatural.

8. While Standing in Line for Death by CAConrad
CAConrad's poetry, as in While Standing in Line for Death, explores queerness, environmental activism, and the mystical. Their unique style and magical sensibilities offer a fresh perspective on the craft.

9. HoodWitch by Faylita Hicks
Faylita Hicks' HoodWitch reclaims power for Black women and nonbinary people, weaving resilience, survival, spirituality, and transformative narratives.

10. Mercury by Ariana Reines
Ariana Reines' "Mercury" combines elements of ritual, desire, and the surreal. Her poetic exploration invites readers into a realm where language and magic intertwine.

11. Same-Sex Séances by Rane Arroyo
Rane Arroyo's Same-Sex Séances  offers a poetic exploration of gay America that introduces readers to cowboys, drag queens, salsa gods, and more. Arroyo's verses, drawn from Latino personae and personal experiences, promise profound realms through the intersections of spirituality, queerness, and cultural identity. 

12. The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill
This epic poem is a mesmerizing account of Merrill's experiences with a Ouija board. It delves into spiritual communication, exploring themes of love, death, and the supernatural.

13. Schizophrene by Bhanu Kapil
Kapil's work is a genre-defying exploration of trauma, immigration, and identity. The narrative unfolds through a series of prose-poem fragments, creating a powerful and haunting experience.

 These poets, each in their unique way, contribute to the rich tapestry of magical poetry. As you immerse yourself in their verses, may you find inspiration, guidance, and a deeper connection to the mystical forces that weave through the realms of both witchcraft and literature.

Happy reading, and may your journey be filled with magical words!

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